Investor FAQs
Where is Avadel Pharmaceutical plc's corporate headquarters?
The Company is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.
Where is the company incorporated?
Avadel Pharmaceuticals is a public limited company incorporated in Ireland.
When did Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc go public?
Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc was initially listed on the NASDAQ on June 7, 1996 under the previous company name, Flamel Technologies SA (FLML). Following Flamel Technologies SA’s reincorporation in Ireland, effective January 1, 2017, the company was renamed Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc and began trading under the ticker AVDL.
When is Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc’s fiscal year end?
Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc fiscal year end is December 31st.
How is Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc stock traded?
Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc is traded on the NASDAQ exchange under ticker symbol AVDL.
What is the CUSIP number for Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc?
CUSIP: 05337M104
What is the ISIN number for Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc?
ISIN: US05337M1045
Does Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc pay dividends?
Who is Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc's transfer agent?
Bank of New York Mellon
Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?
Bank of New York Mellon
1-888-BNY-ADRS (1-888-269-2377)
1-888-BNY-ADRS (1-888-269-2377)
Does Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc have a direct stock purchase plan?
No, Avadel does not currently have a direct stock purchase plan.
Who is Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc's auditor?
Who is Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc's legal counsel?
Troutman Sanders LLP
How can I view documents Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
Quarterly and annual reports, as well as other SEC filings, can be accessed on the Financial Information portion of our Investor Relations website or directly from the SEC at
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
For investor inquiries, please contact